Comrades’ Voice
In the last issue we asked how you felt about the revival of TTC. Here are some of your responses.
Gorbicus, one of the Ambassadors of the Void had this to say:
After the first day of shutdown, I was sure about that this game would come back. Because it was ahead of its time and not truly discovered by many gamers.
When Dylan replied me on Reddit on those days saying "IP is owned by Sony"; I replied him back: Sometimes good friendship ties can resolve many things easily in business. I believe Q-Games will get this title back and republish it. If there is hope from people, so everything is possible.
The Tomorrow Children is a unique artwork -from script to music, from art design to game-play mechanics. Only true gamers could understand how it shines within those thousands of games!
Darnell02156 shared this story:
I was getting ready for work and refreshed Reddit as I got ready. I saw a post that said TTC was "just announced" on the PS5 storefront and almost choked on my cereal. I didn't have time to jump right into it so I started searching on my phone as I headed to work. It wasn't on my store or purchase history. Several thought it was a bad joke.
After going nuts all day I finally get home and find more people confirming it's listing. Still wouldn't show up for me and then the posts with Q-Games confirming the retrieval of the IP and revival hit me in the chest. It Was Coming Back. I got super excited because this is something that doesn't happen.
I can't wait to play TTC again and I hope this time it finds it's place in the gaming world.
Finally, Basemastuh_J shared their excitement:
When I heard about it, there was lot of "HOLY swearword!!" and "NO WAYYY" that came outta me if I recall. It also immediately threw me back to 2016 when I was a much different kid at only 19yrs. I've never stopped thinking about this game since then. Always hoping, wondering. Now here we are, and here I am much older and wiser, but still with great taste in games